It always amazes me how large organizations spend, in many cases millions of dollars and years, developing new systems or processes for their organizations, only to market it internally with some balloons, a crappy PowerPoint presentation and some stale donuts.
I recently completed work on a project for a client that agreed with this assessment and green-lit, a dedicated motion graphic launch video for a province wide roll-out of their new software initiative. The objective of this video was to create interest and awareness of this new process with their target audience, in this case doctors, and create enthusiasm to enhance project on-boarding.
To be clear, this is not the e-learning training itself, but instead the trailer, for the upcoming training. I subsequently created two training modules for this project using Captivate of course. You can view the video here:
In terms of workflow, I followed the exact same process I would for creating a training module.
Confirm objectives
Script project
Create graphics, screen recordings and proposed motion design
Create video
Review and Approve
I used Captivate to capture screen shots, After Affects for motion work and Premiere Pro to bring it all together and sync audio.
It was originally designed to be two minutes long, but the client wanted to add more shots of the application itself which resulted in doubling of the original estimate. I can share this because its on a public facing website.