December 19, 2016
Put Two Audio Tracks on the Timeline
December 19, 2016
Put Two Audio Tracks on the Timeline
Joe Ganci is President of eLearningJoe, LLC, a custom learning company located outside Washington. D.C. Joe has been involved in every aspect of multimedia and learning development. He holds a degree in Computer Science and writes books and articles about eLearning. He is widely considered a guru for his expertise in eLearning development and technology, and he consults with clients worldwide, creating eLearning modules and templates, often training personnel in their use and then making himself available to assist if necessary. Of course, Joe and his team also create eLearning from start to finish, performing the proper analyses, design needs, the development of the learning and its implementation. Joe evaluates eLearning results, both for his own work and the work of others for his clients.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Joe is a Director with the International Association for Blended Learning (IABL), a nonprofit international organization whose goal is to promote the use of the best form of learning for each component of a learning curriculum across all industries and academia. This year he organized and ran the 24-Hour Conference IABL Online Conference.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Joe is also a frequent teacher and presenter online and at industry conferences and client sites (during times without a pandemic!) , especially on the subject of eLearning design and development tools. His tool reviews appear each month in Learning Solutions Magazine and he is the recipient of several awards and many letters of recommendation for his work in eLearning, including a Lifetime Achievement Award way back in 1999 and the second ever eLearning GuildMaster Award in 2013. His mission is to improve the quality of eLearning with practical approaches that work.
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If you’ve created software simulations, you know that you can record narration while at the same time record system audio in your simulation. So, while you’re narrating, you can also record the sound of the application or web site that you’re simulat5ing. The result is that you end up seeing two audio tracks in your timeline.


However, if you’re not creating software simulations, did you know that you can also create two separate audio tracks on your timeline? Yes, you can! Here’s how it’s done.3

  1. Import or record some audio. You’ll see an audio track at the bottom of your timeline, of course.
  2. Next, double-click the audio track to open the audio editor with that audio loaded in it.
  3. Notice on the toolbar at the far left there are two icons un4der Sound Source. You’ll see that the first one is selected, which indicates Narration (though it can be music or any other sound).
  4. If you click the second icon, which represents System Audio, the track squeezes up and a blank space appears below it.

    2016-12-19 00_54_28-Slide Audio

  5. Now click the first icon to deselect it, and you’ll see the track area go blank, as seen in the last image at right.

    2016-12-19 01_08_27-Slide Audio

  6. Click the Record button or the Import Narration button to load the system audio track with any audio you wish. The second track will appear in the empty space.
  7. Save your audio. You’ll now see both tracks in your timeline and you can now move the tracks on the timeline to position them.


2018-03-12 01:16:41
2018-03-12 01:16:41

Joe, thank you for sharing this tip. I’ve never known or used the Select Source icons in the Slide Audio editor. Enjoy learning new features.

2016-12-23 06:22:14
2016-12-23 06:22:14

Thank you for the kind comments!

2016-12-22 18:15:32
2016-12-22 18:15:32

This is super helpful. Thanks very much!

2016-12-21 17:22:44
2016-12-21 17:22:44

That’s clever.

2016-12-21 16:12:56
2016-12-21 16:12:56

How lucky was this? I was just today trying to figure out how to add multiple audio tracks to a slide because I need to set up a question/answer format between a “customer” and some “experts” but I can’t get everyone together to do a single instance. I needed to know how to put two separate tracks on the timeline, and there was my answer!! Thanks!

's comment
2016-12-21 16:31:16
2016-12-21 16:31:16
's comment

Kerra, you can also attach the separate audio tracks as object audio to the customer and expert images. It’s nice to have options, though!

Joe S Ganci
's comment
2016-12-21 17:17:04
2016-12-21 17:17:04
Joe S Ganci
's comment

You’re right Joe,
Object audio are a good way to add several independent audio track ^^ !

2016-12-21 16:07:03
2016-12-21 16:07:03

It’s true! I teach Captivate quite often and I love pointing out the little things that are so easy to overlook in Captivate! People go nuts about them!

2016-12-21 13:45:27
2016-12-21 13:45:27

Love it. I completely forgot about those two little buttons.

Paul Wilson
's comment
2016-12-21 14:13:41
2016-12-21 14:13:41
Paul Wilson
's comment

It’s true Paul,

That s unbelievable all the little functions in this Adobe Captivate ! !

2016-12-21 09:42:48
2016-12-21 09:42:48

Hello Joe,

Thank’s fur this useful and helpful tip !

Best regards,


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