June 1, 2017
Captivate Quick Tips #6: Blurry Text in Shapes
June 1, 2017
Captivate Quick Tips #6: Blurry Text in Shapes
This is my new profile. Lost access to old one.
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 10 people

Hi all,

When I  create shapes in Captivate 8, I’ve always had the issue of blurry text, in the browser, when I write inside of the shapes. You can write in any shape by double clicking on the them once created. But finally I found a way to work around this.

After you’ve created the shape you want, create a text caption and place it on top of the shape. By doing this you won’t have any of the blurred text when previewing in HTML 5. For some shapes you may have to adjust the size and rotation of the caption, but I was so releaved after working this out.

If you have experienced blurry text in browsers when previewing your work and have fixed it, I would love to hear how you did it.

Hope this helps.


2017-06-19 12:55:03
2017-06-19 12:55:03

I’ve had issues with placing text on top of a button on HTML5 because the text box ‘covers’ the button – I don’t see the hover state or the hand cursor once I publish to LMS. I much prefer just putting the text in the smartshape button.

2017-06-01 16:42:05
2017-06-01 16:42:05

You are probably aware of the fact that this is not a solution for responsive projects, developed with Fluid boxes, which do not allow overlapping objects (exception Static Fluid Boxes).

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2017-06-01 17:14:48
2017-06-01 17:14:48
Lieve Weymeis
's comment


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