August 28, 2017
Webinar Recording and Handout: Tips and Tricks to make the most of multi-state objects in Adobe Captivate (2017 release)
August 28, 2017
Webinar Recording and Handout: Tips and Tricks to make the most of multi-state objects in Adobe Captivate (2017 release)
Pooja works as a Senior Director of Digital Learning at Icertis. She has created several award-winning eLearning courses and authored books and video courses on eLearning tools and technologies. In her previous roles, she worked as a principal eLearning evangelist at Adobe and chief learning geek at a start-up. Pooja is CPTD, and COTP certified. She holds a master’s degree in education & economics and a doctorate in educational technology.
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Followers: 30 people

Recording link


Multi-state ObjectsMulti-state objects in Adobe Captivate are a powerhouse of possibilities to create interactions with absolute ease. If you’ve not yet started using multi-state objects to build interactions, now is the time to start using it. You will be delighted to discover this magic mantra to reduce the number of steps to create an interaction, and making your timeline look clutter free.

During this session, Dr. Pooja Jaisingh will show you how to create simple interactions using multi-state objects and simple actions. Then she will show you how to take your interactions to the next level by using multi-state objects alongside advanced actions, variables, effects, drag and drop interactions, and other features and functionalities of Captivate. Along the way, she will share the tips and tricks of making the most of multi-state objects in Adobe Captivate.

Webinar title: Tips and Tricks to make the most of multi-state objects in Adobe Captivate

Date and time: 24th August, 2017 | 9:00 AM PDT

Recording link


2017-10-05 03:34:30
2017-10-05 03:34:30

Thanks for posting the session recording!

2017-09-03 21:42:45
2017-09-03 21:42:45

I’m still having issues.
Cleared the cache and gone incognito

The link url is

So is that the issue?

2017-08-29 03:17:04
2017-08-29 03:17:04

Seems like the link to the recoding isn’t working. Could you please check cos I’m really keen to see the webinar.

's comment
2017-08-29 13:26:27
2017-08-29 13:26:27
's comment

Hi Tina, I just checked the link and it’s working fine for me. Can you try accessing it from a different browser?

's comment
2017-09-02 00:21:59
2017-09-02 00:21:59
's comment

Hi !
Its not working for me either, i keep going into a please register loop.
Tried with safari on ipad, chrome on android, chrom, ie11 and edge on win 10. Behind work poxy server, at home with vpn turned on and vpn turned off


's comment
2017-09-02 18:47:50
2017-09-02 18:47:50
's comment

Hi Kim,

The recording seems to be working fine for us here.
Can you kindly retry once more in incognito mode please?
This might be a cache issue.

Avranil Das
's comment
2017-09-03 21:51:59
2017-09-03 21:51:59
Avranil Das
's comment

Tried again, and finally broke the cycle. I’m in .
Thank you

2017-08-28 14:41:25
2017-08-28 14:41:25

Hi Scott and Chuck, the session recording is now available.

's comment
2017-08-30 14:13:56
2017-08-30 14:13:56
's comment

Thanks much!

2017-08-25 17:45:40
2017-08-25 17:45:40

Yes, Pooja, please do. I’m sorry I missed it but I always love attending your sessions. Your handouts are amazing and really helpful after I attend your session and need to apply what I learned.

2017-08-23 22:39:27
2017-08-23 22:39:27

Will this be able to be viewed after the event, as the time zone difference makes it difficult to attend live?

's comment
2017-08-24 06:02:04
2017-08-24 06:02:04
's comment

Hi Scott, I’ll post the recording here after the session.

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