These two things generally don’t go together, given the system resources needed to create 3D elements. However recently, I am starting to see more 3D applications come from Adobe targeting inexperienced users. For example you can now embed Cinema 4D files into Illustrator for realistic print visuals. There is also a new Adobe product called Dimensions that allows you to easily incorporate 3D elements into marketing materials. I often use 3D, very much like Photoshop, it is way easier more realistic to create a real shadow, than a fake one. I was wondering is anyone else using 3D in their eLearning workflow?
Adobe Dimension (not Dimensions, that is an old application already ‘dead’) is the new name for the former Project Felix, which moved from beta release to 1.0 release). It is meant for designers to create quickly 3D objects.
Adobe Fuse integrated in Captivate would be a great idea…
What if you could add 3D backgrounds and objects to your #AdobeCaptivate #eLearning module?
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