November 9, 2017
Adobe Captivate: Javascript hacks to Playbar buttons
I’m hacking captivate playbar buttons in jquery and javascript, just using hide, show, moveing, and animation. The hacking only supporting in HTML5 output, and i’m sharing below my captivate output file.
External HTML5 interactions in Captivate 8
eLearning developer since 2016.
2018-09-02 19:57:34
Great post. I’ve been experimenting with showing and hiding the media player buttons. Have you used your scripts using Advance Actions in Captivate 2017/2019?
This is Captivate 9 output.
2017-11-17 11:01:37
Congratulations Nandha Kumar on reaching Guide level! Thanks to all your wonderful contributions to this community!
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