March 27, 2018
Adobe Captivate Foundations Course – Melbourne
When: 19 & 20 April
Where: TBC
Learning Plan’s face-to-face foundations training course will provide you with invaluable insight into the capabilities of Adobe Captivate 2017.
Over two days, you will learn how to create visually rich and highly interactive eLearning, and will have the chance to create your first interactive Adobe Captivate project.
Lead by John Stericker, our Certified Adobe Captivate Expert, you will trade ideas, pick up design tips, learn new skills and broaden your knowledge of Adobe Captivate as you learn from one of the best.
For more information on the course, click here.
Adobe Certified Reseller and Australia/New Zealand's leading provider of Captivate Services and Support, including Training, Team Licences, Course Development and Contract Captivate Developers.
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