March 23, 2018
Age restrictions/requirements?
March 23, 2018
Age restrictions/requirements?
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people


I was brought to this community from a message board asking about how ones children can obtain free license time in exchange for contributions made to the community.  Naturally, I am curious if there are any age restrictions or is this community open to all who desire to participate?  Thanks in advance for answering my question.

-Adrian Mendez

2022-04-27 05:09:48
2022-04-27 05:09:48

I have the same question, which was not answered anywhere as well. We tried registering my child for e-Learning still registration doesn’t allow us, it only leads us to “You are ineligible to use this product or service due to the Service Eligibility Requirements” and the “Learn more” link doesn’t point to anywhere useful.

2018-03-24 10:58:18
2018-03-24 10:58:18

I don’t think there is such a restriction.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2018-03-25 19:22:51
2018-03-25 19:22:51
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

There is no age restriction

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