March 22, 2018
TTS (Amazon’s “Polly”)
March 22, 2018
TTS (Amazon’s “Polly”)
Newbie 13 posts
Followers: 11 people

Has anyone had experience using TTS voices generated outside of the NeoSpeech voices that come with Cp?  I am specifically looking at Amazon’s “Polly”.  I suspect I can’t edit/generate within Cp, but will have to import .wav files.

2018-09-10 21:42:31
2018-09-10 21:42:31

I recently used it in a project I revised to demonstrate the interactive video in CP 2019. I had no issues with it. To me, Polly’s voices sound better than ones in NeoSpeech.

2018-04-11 10:39:51
2018-04-11 10:39:51

Does anyone know of a good “getting started” blog post for Polly? I have an AWS account, but am concerned that I’ll do something expensive while trying to generate text for a proof of concept. As I understand it, you pay by the character?

2018-04-03 18:00:16
2018-04-03 18:00:16

I just completed a brief proof-of-concept for a client using Polly TTS. It took a while to figure out a sensible use (for me) of the SSML input feature. I decided to skip mucking about with the lexicon and just added IPA pronunciation when needed by using tags.

As with all TTS, it helps to have a good handle on phonetics. (Thanks Mom and Dad for letting my fritter away my undergrad degree in linguistics!) I really like being able to add breath sounds, breaks, and prosodic features to make the voices sound more natural.

I’m a bit disappointed that Polly doesn’t output WAV files, but the MP3s sound okay when added to Captivate and published.

Hope these comments help. Give a shout, Alice, if you’d like more info:

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