April 28, 2018
Deck of Cards Graphics
April 28, 2018
Deck of Cards Graphics

I am currently a provider of technical training and support in the electronic manufacturing industry. My prior training and work experience as a teacher, network administrator, web design, and instructional design make me well prepared to design it, develop it, and deliver it. I am a father of five, a US Army veteran, and I enjoy playing the guitar as well as performing in local community theater.

Followers: 155 people
Not long before this post I made a corny joke about doing a magic trick and it inspired me to create some card graphics for use in some projects.
I am a huge PowerPoint user when it comes to creating my own graphics and so that is what I am offering here.
This is a PowerPoint .pptx file that is around 100k in size and contains 13 slides with all four suits Ace thru King, a Captivate Joker, and two standard looking card backs.
It was created using an Office 365 subscription on Windows. The graphics are currently a bunch of grouped objects that can be saved as images and imported into Captivate and are also fully editable if you so choose.
I would love to hear any ideas that you have for using something like this in your projects.

I am currently a provider of technical training and support in the electronic manufacturing industry. My prior training and work experience as a teacher, network administrator, web design, and instructional design make me well prepared to design it, develop it, and deliver it. I am a father of five, a US Army veteran, and I enjoy playing the guitar as well as performing in local community theater.

Followers: 155 people
I am currently a provider of technical training and support in the electronic manufacturing industry. My prior training and work experience as a teacher, network administrator, web design, and instructional design make me well prepared to design it, develop it, and deliver it. I am a father of five, a US Army veteran, and I enjoy playing the guitar as well as performing in local community theater.
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