Attended the session with Phil Cowcill in Washington at the Adobe eLearning conference focused on using Adobe Animate and Captivate. Although flash is for all intents and purposes done – it’s good to see that those of us who have worked with the Adobe Flash application in the past can transfer our skills to creating html5 output in Adobe Animate. Rather than ActionScript programming control will come by the use of JavaScript, then publishing to .oam format and ultimately bring the content into Captivate to create animated or interactive content.
Animate will not be for the average eLearning user/designer but if you are interested in broadening your skill set and want to take on a new application Animate will give you the opportunity to create content or ultimately “widgets the way Phil phrased it” that can be used in Captivate html output to replace the richness of flash content.

Yes, Adobe Animate has some really good features to make the developers task easier.
I really enjoyed Phil’s presentation and as a newer captivate user, he made using animate seem really approachable; thanks for this reminder David!
In the past Adobe Flash was used to create “widgets in swf format” that would work in Captivate as the primary output was flash for Captivate. That’s all changing. Captivate output going forward will primarily be html5 with no support for swf. Adobe re-branded and recreated Adobe Flash as Adobe Animate and added the ability to work with canvas and javascript / css (html5 standards) in Animate. Rather than programming in Action Script – Javascript can be used in Animate to program interactivity into interactions, games etc in Animate. These can be packaged as an .oam format that Adobe created. This content or “html widget” can be brought into Captivate as Media > HTML Animation. So if you have worked with Flash in the past you can recreated your previous flash actionscript content in javascript / css in Animate and bring that content in Captivate when publishing to html5. From Captivate you can talk to the widget using javascript with the Captivate Javascript API. So all your work that you have created in the past in Flash you can recreate in Animate to work in html5 in Captivate.
Hi! I’ve been working in Captivate and Animate a lot lately. I know that you can program buttons in Animate to communicate with Captivate using ‘window.parent.window’ on event listeners and things like window.cpAPIInterface.getVariableValue(“myObj”); etc. And I am wondering if there is a way to get a specific slide number from captivate and reference it in an Animate html5 document? Say, I want a button that I’ve programmed in Animate to do something specific depending on which slide of my captivate project the user is currently on. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Hello. I am one of those who has worked with Animate. I am learning Captivate and would like to, as you put it, transfer my skills. Could you please, give a concrete example on how to do it? Thank you.