June 15, 2018
Published handouts and storyboards export format issue
June 15, 2018
Published handouts and storyboards export format issue
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 0 people

Adobe Captivate 2017 Mac Release launches Published Handouts and Storyboards launches completed documents for preview in Adobe Illustrator – complete with a prompt for what to include in Adobe Illustrator.

I was accustomed to seeing these in their native exported format: Microsoft Word.

What’s happened? Is this a bug? Is this is a setting I need to change? I hadn’t noticed this in past releases say a month or two months ago. Any ideas?

1 Comment
2018-06-16 11:24:24
2018-06-16 11:24:24

I cannot help you since I am a Windows user. For me the situation is the same as before the patch. Please log a bug report.

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