June 15, 2018
Audio playing in wrong slide
June 15, 2018
Audio playing in wrong slide
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Hi All

I have created a demo of my training package as an HTML5 file for publishing on a website.

I have linked sound files throughout the demo to play when the relevant text is displayed

I have published the file as normal and host it on an AWS S3 bucket

When I viewed the file in preview on Captivate prior to publishing  it worked perfectly.

When I view the file on my computer before uploading it worked perfectly.

After it was uploaded I viewed the file live from my website through Firefox and it worked perfectly.

Now for the bad bit when I viewed the file live from my website through Safari the sound files are playing at totally the wrong time as if I have linked the files to other texts.

Another point of interest is that it all worked perfectly until today when I changed the sound files on to better quality ones (changed from recorded in office to recorded in studio) all files, naming conventions, bit rates all exactly the same as previously but now things are not working correctly but only in safari ????????? HELP PLEASE

Using Captivate 2017

2018-06-16 11:27:41
2018-06-16 11:27:41

yes there is always a pause before the sound clip snd then the slide has a pause after the sound when the “next” button appears which has to be clicked before proceeding.

2018-06-15 16:40:09
2018-06-15 16:40:09

Do you leave a gap before and after the audio clip on each slide? I cannot post a screenshot in a comment on a discussion, which is possible when answering a question. IMO this is a question.

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