June 19, 2018
Copying the results of a Text Entry Box to a Text Caption Box
June 19, 2018
Copying the results of a Text Entry Box to a Text Caption Box
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 0 people

Hi everyone,

I am guessing that there is a simple answer to this questions. Basically I have a slide with a Text Entry Box (Employees Name) that I want to copy those results on to a Text Caption Box at the end of the project. Do I have to create an Advanced Action on the slide I want it copied to or is there an easier way that I am missing?

1 Comment
2018-06-20 11:18:00
2018-06-20 11:18:00

Each TEB has an associated varaible. It sgeneric name is the same as the generic name of the TEB (which i dislike a lo). Just insert that variable in a text container (shape or caption), using the X button in the character part of the text container. Sorry, it is not possible to insert screenshots in a ‘Discussion’ as is possible in Questions. To me this is a question….

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