June 19, 2018
Moving an interactive object off the stage…can I?
June 19, 2018
Moving an interactive object off the stage…can I?
Officer / Course Developer for Federal Law Enforcement Agency
Newbie 10 posts
Followers: 1 people

I’m attempting to use JavaScript, on-enter to a slide, to move a button off of the stage and later move it back on when it is needed.  I’m not using show/hide for reasons that aren’t germane to the question I’m asking.

I’ve done this before with images…moved them off of the stage with JS “on-enter” and then animated them onto the stage when a button is selected.  I’m actually able to animate the button in question and move it around with JS, but I can’t make it move off of the stage on-enter.

At this point, the only explanation I can think of is that Captivate won’t let me move an interactive object completely off of the stage.

Does anyone have any info or have experience with this?



2018-06-22 01:18:51
2018-06-22 01:18:51

OK…here’s what I think I’ve figured out. Captivate will not allow you to animate a “button” off of the stage. I can animate it on the stage, but it will not let me move it completely off stage.

I also tried making a smartshape and using it as a button. In this instance Captivate DID allow me to animate the smartshape/button off of the stage…BUT…when I animated it back onto the stage, it would no longer function as a button.

So, the bottom line seems to be the Captivate will not allow an interactive element to be moved off the stage and keep it’s interactive properties.

Jay Cooper
's comment
2018-06-22 09:01:25
2018-06-22 09:01:25
Jay Cooper
's comment

I tried to explain you why and asked for which reason you would ever want to move a button, shape button or old type of button, off the stage.? I cannot see any reason for that. I can see a reason to disable a button, but never to move it off the stage because you break the functionality. If you had answered that question ‘Why’ I could maybe have found an alternative.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2018-07-12 17:57:03
2018-07-12 17:57:03
Lieve Weymeis
's comment


My apologies for the late response. I took some time off work and am just getting back to this project.

The objective of the course I’m working on is to train the learner to recognize specific indications that something has occurred. I’ve created a stitched together image that extends beyond the left and right edges of the slide. I’m using JQuery to allow the learner to move that image to the left and the right…simulating that they are turned their head about 300-degrees (from over their left shoulder to over their right).

What the learner will be tasked to do is to look at the image and then select and “indications” that they find. So, I want to be able to place transparent buttons over the indications and have them move with the image; so sometimes the buttons will end up being moved off the stage. Having the buttons move with the image would be much easier than using variables and calculating where buttons should enable/disable based on the position of the image. I have other buttons (that don’t move) that are pausing my timeline.

Again, my apologies for the delay.



2018-06-20 18:25:31
2018-06-20 18:25:31

One of the problems if the interactive object is off the stage: slide is not pausing anymore. Why do you want to do that? I don’t understand why people are looking for complicated ways while not fully understanding the design of each object and slide. An interactive object is meant to pause the slide, to wait for an action of the learner and do something when that action occurs. Why move that object off the stage? I can understand that you want to disable it until something else happens, or that you want to move its timeline, but why move it off the stage? Please try to explain the goal, for me it is very muddy.

2018-06-19 20:27:26
2018-06-19 20:27:26

Off stage means it is no longer part of the slide. Did you try an alternative: add a custom state to that button which makes it ‘invisible’ to the learner, and change the state (eventually with disabling as well)?

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2018-06-20 18:20:35
2018-06-20 18:20:35
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Lieve…what you suggest is my backup if I can’t make the buttons do what I want.

I’ve managed to get images to do what I’m trying to make the buttons do (start them with 1px on the stage and then move them off with JS), but the buttons are causing me problems. I thought it might be because they are interactive elements.

If I figure it out, I’ll post it up here.

Thanks, as always, for the help.


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