In part 1 of this 14-part series on responsive eLearning with Captivate 2017, we learned how to create a new responsive project and then preview it in the edit area using the Preview-in drop down list and the Preview Slider. If you missed reading Part 1, here’s the link to access it.
When you create a responsive project in Captivate 2017, the default maximum width and height is set to 1024 x 627 pixels. Because of this default setting, if you view the responsive project on a Desktop/Laptop browser, it will always restrict the project size to 1024 x 627 pixels and will not cover the entire browser area. To change this behavior, you will need to modify the maximum width and height of the responsive project. This is possible by using the Rescale Project option in Captivate.
Watch this video to take a look at the steps:
In the next part, we will learn how to add, select, rename, and resize Fluid Boxes in Captivate 2017.
Click here to see all the blog posts from this series.
Happy captivating! 🙂