I’ve created a Captivate 2017 file.
I created advanced actions for a variety of slides. The advanced actions are setup to play audio when a learner clicks a click box, then delay the next actions for the duration of the audio. I.E. Delay the Show (next button) and Hide (inactive button) actions by 70 seconds.
When the learner exits the course (in SCORMCLOUD) it bookmarks where the learner was, but it doesn’t store the clicked advanced actions. The learner has to initiate the advanced action again. Meaning, click the click box, listen to the entire audio, before the next button displays.
Is there a way to force Captivate to report the clicked advanced action back to the LMS so the learner doesn’t have to listen to the audio again?
I’m thinking this might need to be a variable setup but not 100% sure.
Thanks in advance.
You may find this useful to Keep audio from replaying when returning to a previous slide.
In Advanced Actions Variables
1. Create a new User variable (Example: audioOneplay) with a Value of 0
2. Close Variables window
3. Create a Conditional Advance Action
Conditional Advanced Action
audioOneplay is equal to 0
Play Audio (then select name of your audio file from menu)
Assign audioOneplay with 1
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