I’ve had this problem for a long time and don’t know how to fix it. In the following two themes:
The master slides have placeholders that start correctly on the left but think that I have a very wide screen and go on way to the right.
I’ve tried uninstalling Captivate and getting rid of the preferences, then reinstalling Captivate running the updater to the latest version ( No change.
Any ideas?
These are fine:

Hi Joe,
Sorry to hear about the issue, but this is something we have not received as a bug report from anyone yet.
Could you please help me with some details related to screen dimensions, type of monitor, resolution and percentage increase in size of text/icons/apps under your display settings.
Also, could you please try deleting the layout folder once (it should be located somewhere in a path like this – C:\Users\Public\Documents\Adobe\eLearning Assets\Layouts\10_0) and launching captivate again. Let us know if it solves this.
Hi, Zeeshan,
Sorry for not checking your response (and yours, Lieve) until now. I’ve had my head down trying to juggle two projects that happened to surge at the same time.
So, I followed your advice and deleted the contents of the folder C:\Users\Public\Documents\Adobe\eLearning Assets\Layouts\10_0 and it worked!!!! Thank you. I totally forgot about that location but am surprised that when I uninstalled Captivate it didn’t clean up and removed that folder.
Thank you again!
Joe, you need to do quite a lot of manual cleanup after installing. Themes getting corrupt or not updated seems to be more and more the cause of issues. I already often have been able to help users by suggesting to refresh the Layouts folder in Public documents or to use the original themes in the installation folder (which needs admininstrator rights of course).
This is strange, I have never seen this happening to me? May I ask about details about the screen sizes you are using? I have a 16/10 screen (HD) on my old desktop, a retina 16/9 on both laptop and Surface Pro.
Zeeshan’s advice above worked!
Thank you Joe for posting – this has been bugging me as well since installing 2017 – but rather than ask I’ve just fixed it each time – I’ll be interested to hear a “staff response/explanation”
Hi, David, did you try Zeehan’s advice? It worked for me.