July 18, 2018
Shape Tween in Adobe Animate CC – Part 1
July 18, 2018
Shape Tween in Adobe Animate CC – Part 1
I've been developing eLearning in a variety of formats since 1983
Master 38 posts
Followers: 76 people
2018-12-18 16:40:44
2018-12-18 16:40:44

Thanks for this Phil!  Very helpful.

2018-08-22 21:42:36
2018-08-22 21:42:36

Thanks for sharing.

2018-07-19 08:35:23
2018-07-19 08:35:23

Thanks Phil!
I try to do as much as possible with the available effects in Captivate, editing the XML files. I regret that only Classic tweens can easily be transferred to a CP effect. Integration and control by Captivate is of course much easier with Effects. Bit same reason why I prefer to keep with advanced/shared actions as long as JS is not really needed.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2018-07-19 10:42:18
2018-07-19 10:42:18
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

At the last two eLearning Days that Adobe hosted in Washington DC, I demonstrated how you can have CP control and influence the animations brought into CP. I’m planning on a few tutorials on this topic. I think this will be a huge growth area in the CP world. It can remove development barriers.

Thanks again for your comment Lieve.

Phil Cowcill
's comment
2018-07-19 12:43:19
2018-07-19 12:43:19
Phil Cowcill
's comment

Sure but that requires JS. Jim Leichliter had a wonderful video course about exchanging data between CP and OAM with JS. As in my previous comment, maybe a bridge too far for the ‘normal’ ID?
Since I work for clients, it is much easier to show and explain an advanced/shared action to them, to allow to edit small things, than having to explain a programming language.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2018-07-19 14:39:20
2018-07-19 14:39:20
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

I think you’re right that programming in JavaScript may be not part of the “normal” ID’s skill set. In the discussions that I’ve had with a number of CP users, I’ve often been asked “What do I learn next?”. These are the mature developers who have learned a lot about CP and want to keep learning. My suggestion is to start learning a little bit about JavaScript. You don’t need to do complicated things. Start simple and grow from there.

When teaching, I’d tell students that something is only difficult if you don’t know how to do it. This applies to JavaScript. It’s complicated, until you learn how to use it.

I’ll post some simple JS tutorials in the near future to help developers expand their skill set.

Phil Cowcill
's comment
2018-07-19 14:48:42
2018-07-19 14:48:42
Phil Cowcill
's comment

You know I follow up the forums daily (being moderator on Jive). My opinion is that too much CP-users believe that after the basics they have to use JS and skip the intermediate, much more accessible step of learning to use variables, advanced actions and shared actions (which are little bit like functions in JS). Whenever I present about advanced actions and/or shared actions I always get the same reactions from really advanced developers: we never knew this was possible with actions!
You need the same logic, preparation and testing for those actions as for JS. To me it is the best preparation to start with JS. What I now mostly see with JS questions is that the user will copy/paste a script where he doesn’t understand really what is happening. Sorry to be the devil’s advocate.
I blog since 10 years about Captivate. I have a couple of posts explaining very simple workflows with JS. They are almost never visited…. Focus of my blog is on advanced use cases, mostly get intermediate and advanced users, not newbies. This needs explanation.
I use JS when Captivate’s actions are too limited or the workflow becomes too convoluted. Unless you are a developer in a company, where you can use the same JS functions (in an external JS file of course) over and over again, in 80% of the use cases trying advanced/shared actions (have a Library with them, easy peasy to reuse in any project) will give you a much quicker result than JS if you are not in such a privileged position.
I have been programming since 1980 🙂

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