This file is intended to demonstrate Advanced Actions with a Conditional Menu.
Hi Dan, thanks for posting this, do you enjoy advanced actions, I love them since almost 10 years and have been publishing about them. I really hope you did use shared actions because this is a very appropriate use case. Sinc eyou only have one slide with text for each of the dashboard/menu items a good alternative that would make the file smaller is to have one slide with a mutlistate object: each of the slide content would be in a state. Especially if you want touse it in a fluid bloxes design, where stacking of objects is not possible. Have a look at my blog post:
From the design it looks like you use a hyperlink to navigate to the slides, is that the case? I am referring to the underlined words? In that case a shared action is impossible, because for a weird reason it is the only command excluded form the command list for shared ations. I revently pyublished a post here about using hyperlinks, and will sonn post another one where I use them to create a dropdown menu with navigation possibilities. Maybe another idea?
Thanks for sharing Dan! Maybe in your next article, share how to create this showcase. It will help learn for new users. Also you should update your profile page – with this link –
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