August 5, 2018
Converting a Captivate 9 Responsive Design to Captivate 10 (2017) with fluid Box – Do you have any best practices for that conversion
August 5, 2018
Converting a Captivate 9 Responsive Design to Captivate 10 (2017) with fluid Box – Do you have any best practices for that conversion
I have been developing eLearning content since 2001. I have used Captivate since version 1. I am an Adobe Captivate 5.5 Certified Expert and an Adobe Captivate 2019 Specialist.
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Hello to all,

I have been hired to make a proof a concept to convert  a Captivate 9 Responsive Design with Break points to Captivate 10 (2017) with fluid Boxes – Do you have any best practices for that conversion?

1 Comment
2018-08-06 08:29:51
2018-08-06 08:29:51

Hmmm…. my recommendation would be to start from scratch, and use the Library of the original project as external library to reuse the assets.
There are so many differences with Breakpoint Views, and limitations to Fluid Boxes that you would really be losing much more time to try to convert the original file than start from scratch.
The theme has to be totally redesigned. I hope the original file is using a custom theme, including Theme Colors Palette, Object Styles, Master slides etc? With the exception of the palette, most of those components need a totally new design for Fluid Boxes. You have to get lost of all what is not working in Fluid Boxes: click boxes, highlight boxes, line object, groups, stacked objects, objects timed for the rest of the project….
Maybe my comparison between the two workflows could help:
Yesterday I published a post explaining the transfer from a non-responsive project to a Fluid Boxes workflow for a very simple use case: clicking hotspots to show information, and after having clicked all Next button has to appear. Lot of possibilities in non-responsive and Breakpoint views, limited in Fluid Boxes.
On a personal base: I never accept a job where I am not sure to be able to get a good result, are you aware of the problems you will encounter?

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