August 3, 2018
Custom Quiz review trouble
August 3, 2018
Custom Quiz review trouble

Hey there!

I’m creating a  quiz with no prebuilt question slides or result slide, but fully costum ones. I do use the system quizzing variables though. Most aspects I’ve been able to make work, but this thing I am struggeling with:

I created a costum review process, which uses the same exact question slides. So on the results slide you would click review and be taken right back to first question. The answer buttons retain their selected/unselected state but are disabled when revisited for review. Based on correct/incorrect answer I display a review caption. At the end of the review process you are taken back to the results slide. Unfortunately this costum review process is obviously not viewed as such by captivate, as it is counting it as another quiz attempt.

Any ideas on that?

Many thanks,

2018-08-06 06:06:11
2018-08-06 06:06:11

Hello Lieve, thanks for your answer!
I don’t use the retake button you’ve mentioned. I’ve created a costum button on a fully costum score slide. So in my case, a different action must be triggering the attempts variable to increment. Maybe revisiting question 1 or something like that?

's comment
2018-08-06 08:22:29
2018-08-06 08:22:29
's comment

Retake button is the easiest way to make sure everything works correctly. Why do you not customize the default score slide and keep the Retake button? It is possible to check what is happening by inserting the system variable cpQuizInfoAttempts in a text container to track its value.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2018-08-06 08:36:31
2018-08-06 08:36:31
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

I followed your advice and displayed the value of the cpQuizInfoAttempts throughout my course. I found that every (re-)visit of the first question slide increments its value.

That is actually a really good question and it got me thinking. I initially didn’t use the default score slide because I had the need to create a costum review process and in my head I was thinking it wouldn’t allow me to put costum buttons and advanced actions on there. But maybe it would?

's comment
2018-08-06 08:39:37
2018-08-06 08:39:37
's comment

I don’t know the exact setup of your file, but I often used a tweak myself: have the default score slide, be sure the learner ends up at that slide after the last question, but use an On Enter action (which is possible) to jump to the next slide which can be a custom score slide. Most of the functionality of the score slide will be triggered in that case.
There are some limitations when customizing the default score slide: only shape buttons are possible, no Exit event can be used because that has been taken over by the funtionality built in the Continue button.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2018-08-06 08:46:34
2018-08-06 08:46:34
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

As far I see it, the default score slide has some limitations, that don’t work for me:

I cannot set to which slide the “retake” button takes the learner. I need them to be taken to the quiz title page, not to the first question.
The logic I created is that the answers the learner selects are kept selected (for review) until the learner clicks “start quiz” on the quiz title page for (re-)taking it.
I also cannot set further advanved actions to the retake button to avoid needing the quiz title page.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2018-08-06 08:47:51
2018-08-06 08:47:51
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

I will try that and then report back 🙂

's comment
2018-08-06 08:51:55
2018-08-06 08:51:55
's comment

The workaround for taking them to the title slide is simple: use a conditional action on the first quiz slide to direct them back to the title slide, based on cpQuizInfoAttempts. Be sure to allow Backwards navigation. in Quiz Preferences.
Retake button is one of the embedded objects, without an individual timeline with inbuilt functionality. Retake will reset all answers, and that is what you don’t want! You cannot allow free navigation through the quiz slides, because they don’t have the review navigation buttons until review.
As long as you use quiz/score slides as they were designed they are simple. You want functionality that is not built in, and which is causing you problems. Personally I would have preferred to build custom quiz slides. Maybe it would even have taken less time than what you now have to put in as hours. The most important limitation of custom slides is that you cannot use pools.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2018-08-06 09:01:51
2018-08-06 09:01:51
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Did you mean costum quiz VARIABLES when you wrote you would’ve preferred to build costum quiz SLIDES? Because I do have costum quiz slides, but I use system variables.

Questions pools are really not an option for me anymore. But that’s ok.

Taking the learner back to the titlepage based on the attempts I don’t quite understand. I’m thinking based on last slide visited?

's comment
2018-08-06 09:05:25
2018-08-06 09:05:25
's comment

No, I meant custom quiz slides with scored objects. Score would be stored in system variables.
Retake button takes leaner to the first slide with a scored object. If you use the On Enter event of that slide to check the value of cpQuizInfoAttempts, and that is greater than 1, you can navigate them to the first slide of the course.
Be careful with cpInfoLastSlideVisited, you can only use it when you are sure not to get into a loop. I don’t see a situation here wher you should use it.
My blog has many examples of custom quiz slides and tweaking… but you prefer perhaps videos (lot of them with content I have published before)?

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2018-08-06 09:17:35
2018-08-06 09:17:35
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

I do use custom quiz slides with scored objects in fact. All my trouble started though when I realised I could not properly use the default review process for costum image mc questions.

Basing that action off of attempts, wouldn’t that result in the following problem:

First try of quiz – results page, failed – btn retake – first question slide – on enter action takes you to quiz title page – btn start quiz – on enter actions hits again?

Whenever I’m stuck I honestly simply use google. And whatever helpful content I come across I will use gratefully. If there’s a video I’ll watch it, if there’s a blogpost I’ll read it. And if that doesn’t work then I simply ask questions. Please let’s not go down that road again.

's comment
2018-08-06 09:23:12
2018-08-06 09:23:12
's comment

Good luck! Use a combined condition On Enter for first scored slide.

2018-08-03 09:04:55
2018-08-03 09:04:55

Christina, cpQuizInfoAttempts is a quizzing system variable that is incremented whenever the Retake button is clicked on the Score slide. Do you use that button?
Maybe you could download my explanatory table with quizzing system variables?
Normal design of quiz is that attempts are considered to be exhausted when the user Passes or when he has taken up all attempts.

2018-08-03 08:39:53
2018-08-03 08:39:53

-deleted because outdated-

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