August 23, 2018
Guidelines for Blog Graphics (e.g., attribution)
August 23, 2018
Guidelines for Blog Graphics (e.g., attribution)
Jim is an independent consultant working in the fields of training, communication and change management. He has extensive experience supporting large scale organizational change efforts through the creation of training and communication programs. Jim is a licensed PROSCI professional and holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology from the University of Akron.
Newbie 20 posts
Followers: 26 people

I did a search, but couldn’t find an answer on the use of graphics in a blog post. If you are using a graphic that requires mentioning the photographer, is there a guideline for how that should appear (e.g., add as link to photo, put in a reference section at bottom of blog post).

Also, are your required to only use Adobe stock photos?


2018-08-23 14:08:58
2018-08-23 14:08:58

I am not a lawyer but I believe there is not a simple answer to this. There is a clear difference between using graphics for personal use and graphics for commerical use as you’ll find on many sites that provide graphics. You’ll have seen that I use quite a lot of graphics in my blog posts. Besides the screenshots I prefer using my photographs or Adobe Stock images which I have licensed. I don’t think images are linked to Adobe Stock at all, if you have licensed images from other sites or free images, you can use them. Read the ‘small letters’ for free images, often the author of the images requires a mention if you use it only for personal use. You can have that reference anywhere in your blog post.

Beware this is my personal opinon, not a lawyer’s answer.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2018-08-23 14:13:54
2018-08-23 14:13:54
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Thank you.

2018-08-23 14:03:12
2018-08-23 14:03:12

Thank you for the quick reply. I’ll be sure to check the licensing agreement, as you requested.

2018-08-23 13:58:00
2018-08-23 13:58:00

Hi Jim, yes, provide the reference at the bottom of the blog. But please do look for the usage licence before using it on this site.

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