I am testing a trial version of Captivate 2019. My particular interest in the VR capability. The intended application is using the VR for virtual tours of churches and museums, and exploring the possibility of interactive museum exhibits.
Importing a 360 image into Captivate works fine. However, importing a 360 video does NOT work. The Captivate page says “Add 360 image / video“. But when I select the sample 360 video I want to add, nothing happens! The video was recorded using a Ricoh Theta V camera. The video was stitched using the theta app. I am able to view and edit the 360 video in CyberLink PowerDirector.
Also, I cannot import a 360 video and make it interactive. I get an error message saying format is not correct.
Am I missing something, or are these current limitations of CPT 2019?
Hi Sankaram,Sorry for the delay in responding. I have been away for the last several days.Yes, converting to H264 format did solve the problem. I was able to import the 360 video into a captivate slide and add markers. I will continue to explore this feature.The possibilities with Captivate 2019 and 360 images/video are mind-boggling!Thanks for your help.Russ
Hello Russ,
I read your post. It took my attention because I am just about to embark on downloading a trial version of Captivate 2019 specifically to test out the 360 VR capability. I too have a Ricoh Theta V and have demo’d this to my leadership team at work. Who were suitably impressed. But that’s as far as the content goes, I now wish to make this content into a learning opportunity and apply hotspots etc. to the 360 video. I was concerned because everything I’ve read about Adobe Captivate 360 only showed photos and they just talked about the video side. No examples (that I saw) anyway. Can I ask please: When you import the 360 video into the project does it behave like a 360 video would. EG. you can move within the space like in a 360 manner?
Thank You Russ.
Posted an answer but since it has links takes time to approve.
I wrote two articles about VR slides/project which you can find in this portal (links take time to approve). The most recent one about Timeline in 360 slides describes my experiences with 360 video as well. All take with Ricoh Theta V.
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