September 11, 2018
Fixed shapes on top of an image in a fluid box and shortcut icons
September 11, 2018
Fixed shapes on top of an image in a fluid box and shortcut icons
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

So, I am creating a map with hyperlinks in a responsive project. Although the fluid box that I am using is set up in static mode, every time I preview my project in different devices the objects (transparent shapes) I placed on top of the map moved to different positions. I have locked the position of the objects as well so I am not sure what else I am missing.

Also, some of the links, when previwed, show a big shortcut icon that I would like to hide. Can you help me with any of these questions?


2018-09-12 23:42:12
2018-09-12 23:42:12

Thank you Lieve, I will try that approach. I would have to re-think how the layout. Thanks again!

2018-09-12 08:44:33
2018-09-12 08:44:33

Personally I try to avoid Static Fluid Boxes whenever possible, because it really screws up the layout, since only the width/height ratio is kept. You lose all real fluidity.

Using normal fluid boxes means no stacking of objects in the same location, not even when they do not appear at the same moment. A workaround in this case would be not to use stacking a transparent shape on top of an image, but compose the image with separate shapes filled with parts of the image.  Avoiding stacking for popup means using a multistate object instead of using different popups. In a recent blog where I compared Fluid Boxes project with a non-responsive project for Hide/Show and multistate objects I entered the recommendation. I don’t post a link, because that means waiting a long time for approval.

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