I have created a drop-down menu using the supplied widget. It will not let me make the font larger than 14. In fact, sizing seems difficult no matter what. Any suggestions? Also, the widget appears to create a swf file. Does that mean it will not work in html5?
I posted an answer, but because it has links, you’ll have to be patient.
For a weird reason the font size is indeed limited to 14p. The learning interaction ‘dropdown’ is compatible with HTML output, same for all the interactions.
Thanks! I guess I could create my own drop-down but for now I’ll stick with the small font.
You could have a look at a blog post I wrote about the dropdown interaction (interactions are compatible with HTML output):
You will read that the font size is indeed limited to 14p which is a pity.
You can also create a custom dropdown, it depends on what you want to do with the items on the list. Here is one example where I use hyperlinks in the dropdown list to execute an action: