October 21, 2018
Audio interactive
October 21, 2018
Audio interactive
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

I am a foreign language instructor and I wanted to create audio interactive pages for students to record their speaking tests. I am sure adobe has this function but I don’t know where and how to find it. Thanks in advance for whoever can help me.

2018-10-22 14:02:27
2018-10-22 14:02:27

For what you’re trying to do, you may just want to have your students record their audio on Vocaroo and then post a link to their recording via a forum/post approach on your pages. Another option, and one I used when I taught high school Spanish, is Voicethread. It was free then, but is now a paid only option. It may be worth the fee. Good luck!

2018-10-21 18:46:57
2018-10-21 18:46:57

As far as I know, Adobe Captivate doesn’t have that functionality which is very specialized.  Sorry.

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