October 3, 2018
A Case Study On Gamification In Corporate eLearning
October 3, 2018
A Case Study On Gamification In Corporate eLearning
I am a Learning Professional with 15+ years of experience in strategizing and providing learning solutions for varied customer requirements. I work with several global customers in understanding their business challenges and proposing optimal learning solutions that are backed by apt learning strategies to enhance their employee performance. I head Tesseract Learning and we have carved a niche for ourselves in the learning space. I have a team of experienced industry experts who provide solutions to meet any customer training needs on Blended Learning, eLearning, Mobile learning, Microlearning, Game based learning, AR/VR, Adaptive Learning, Simulations, high end learning technology integrations, video and animations development. 
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Successful corporate eLearning is all about engagement. Games, when used in eLearning, make online training fun, entertaining and engaging for learners. In this article, I will discuss a case study on a gamification solution that we delivered, which resulted in better learner engagement.

A Case Study On Gamification: Taking Corporate eLearning To The Next Level!

A well-crafted game can help learners remember the content thanks to its engagement quotient, and transform online training courses to enjoyable online training experiences. Regardless of your performance goals, employee needs, or online training objectives, games are a great addition to any corporate eLearning strategy.

In my previous article on 5 key benefits of enterprise gamification, I have discussed various aspects and benefits of gamification. In this article, I will be discussing a case study on gamification in corporate eLearning.

Risk Management Course Overview

Our customer, an IT major, wanted us to develop a course on risk management with a different strategy than a regular corporate eLearning solution.

Instructional Design Strategy

The main requirement of the customer was to create an engaging and interesting course. Though we initially bounced a few ideas on the best possible strategy, we agreed on implementing a gamification strategy for the course. We developed a few mockups with a scenario and gamification elements to demonstrate the flow of the strategy.

For this game, we chose the single player option, wherein the learner fills in their name and becomes the player. As the learner becomes one with the character in the game, the experience becomes more personal. Which is a truly great way to learn and retain information. The feedback for activities is personalized for each learner.

Different interactivities were built to make the gaming experience more immersive. Thus, learners tend to learn better in an experiential manner.

Game Design

The course begins with an intense situation, wherein a company’s Vice President is in a pensive mood, as the company has faced a risk-related incident twice in a very short span. While browsing through a news website, he finds out about the launch of a new risk management application by another company. He finds that quite promising and contacts the company’s risk management team to help his organization. Upon receiving the information from the prospect, the team immediately meets and makes plans to implement the tool to see if it can help in auditing and containing risks.

After the scenario, the learner is informed about the mission and the various levels that they need to clear to accomplish it, through a case study. Each level takes the story forward along with a perfect blend of visuals, interactions, and reading material. These are then followed by a series of activities for the learner to apply what they have learned. Each activity is timed, and the learner will earn points for answering the questions correctly. The learner receives a badge for completing each level.

Unlike other game-based eLearning, this course has the “just right” amount of interactions that give the learner an engaging learning experience. This way, we took corporate eLearning to a higher level.

Here are a few screenshots of the game:

A Case Study On Gamification In Corporate eLearningA Case Study On Gamification In Corporate eLearning


A Case Study On Gamification In Corporate eLearning


Development Approach

Once the course structure was finalized, we went about creating a storyboard and proof of concept for the customer. This included the learning approach (game-based eLearning), mockups of the User Interface, design, and concept guidelines. A small working prototype of the game was created after the mockups were approved. This was submitted to the customer for review. We basically provided the functional insight into the course that was being developed. After a number of iterations and discussions with SMEs, a final storyboard and design were decided upon.

Following the storyboarding, the game was designed and developed using the agreed authoring tools as per the standard corporate eLearning practice. We dedicated resources and experts who have a great deal of experience in developing game-based eLearning solutions to develop the content.

Once the game was developed, we took a step forward in “pilot-testing” the course to a few users. The main purpose of the pilot test was to analyze how engaging the course would be on a large scale. Most of the participants in the test found the course to be compelling and engaging. After robust testing, the course was rolled out organization-wide.

The gamification approach was used for the first time in the organization, and it increased the completion rate from an average of 32% to 67%. The customer also found that the training helped learners with better retention of the concepts and better application on the job. This was a great benefit as compared to the benefit that a standard corporate eLearning approach would have accrued.


The game-based eLearning approach was an interesting way of reaching out to such a dynamic group of learners. Not only did it achieve better adoption, it also provided a good learning experience that suited the needs of learners, as well as aligned well with the organization goal of creating impactful training.

Suggested further reading:

2018-10-06 20:16:13
2018-10-06 20:16:13

Great work, gamification is the way to engage with learners.

2018-10-03 14:19:30
2018-10-03 14:19:30

I would be interested to hear what your Summative Evaluation strategy is for this training. The completion rate is impressive, but that could come with caveats.

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