I am very new to Captivate and looking for some help. I have created training using seminar recordings (mp4) files. I created an intro (text only) slide and then inserted the video in the next. The last slide is a simple 1 question quiz so I can record employees watched the whole video.
The issue: I am not sure how to set the video up so employees can’t fast-forward or skip to the quiz slide. I am very new to Captivate so the more step by step your answer is, the better!
Please help, and thanks!
PS: did I mention I haven’t launched the site yet and the day is approaching? I may have to re-design the content and upload it again.. ugh.
You need to insert the video as synchronised video, not as event video. Do not use the default playbar of Captivate. On the slide with the synchronized video (may be distributed over several slides) add a Next button or shape button with a timeline that starts just before the end of the video. Learn to use the timeline, one of the most important features of Captivate. I have published many blog posts about the timeline, just search on this portal.
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