My overlay KC slides were not navigating back to the bookmarks as expected. In fact, answering correctly or incorrectly would continue to the next slide and skip the remaining portion of the video and all remaining video overlays. To correct the problem I had to ensure that “Allow Backward Movement” was selected in Quiz Preferences > Settings.
Thanks for posting this. That was driving me bananas! I couldn’t figure out why it kept jumping to the next overlay and not back to the video. Cheers!
Lot of users ignore that most Quiz Preferences are also valid for KC slides, what you mention is a typical example. Maybe you could have a look at my blog post where I tried to explain similarities and differences for quiz and KC slides:
It is true that quiz preferences are ignored, though in this case there is a degree of ambiguity that creates confusion considering the context of overlays and bookmarks. Specifically, the help text defines Allow Backward Movement as “Select to allow participants to visit slides that were attempted previously”. This feature is helpful in defining user navigation capabilities for sure, but in this case the slide is not being revisited by the user, per se. Instead, the developer is explicitly defining a backward movement to a declared bookmark in the video. This feature is easy to overlook since we are defining backward movement within the timeline of a single slide. In my opinion, overriding the allow backward movement option within explicit, developer-defined interactive slide jumps, or at least prompting the developer to the situation, would seem more intuitive. An update to the feature definition would also be helpful.
Backwards is not only between slides but also between frames. In an interactive video file slide, you can move backwards to a previous frame. I don’t see why this is confusing, sorry. I label slide navigation as ‘macro navigation’ and frame navigation as ‘micro navigation’.