October 10, 2018
Problem adding questions to 360 images
October 10, 2018
Problem adding questions to 360 images
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

When i try to add a question hotspot in a 360 image in Captivate 2019, it´s not possible.

I can add the hotspot, but there is no “add question” button in the properties field to the right.

Has anyone a solution to this?

/Mathias O

2019-05-30 18:35:24
2019-05-30 18:35:24

Goddang bleeding edge / half-baked solution. 

But seriously, thanks, Adobe for getting us there.

2018-10-12 20:30:28
2018-10-12 20:30:28

I am busy finishing a blog post to add some clarifications to the use of VR projects and 260 slides. Your question appeared already a couple of times in this forum. When you use a 360 image in a normal cptx-file, not in a VR project you will not be able to insert a question slide on a hotspot, but you have to insert separate question slides in the normal way. A little bit of patience, have been travelling last couple of days, hence my article is not finished yet.

2018-10-10 10:11:59
2018-10-10 10:11:59


You can add questions to Hotspots only in VR project. 360 slides are supported in blank and responsive projects as well. However, to add questions to hotspots one has to be in VR project.

Hope this helps 🙂



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