When you replace video in Captivate that has embedded Closed Captioning, the CC goes away.
I have a captivate module that has a video with closed captioning added through Captivate.
We had to delete a small portion of the video.
It seems, though, that when I replace the old video with the new one, the CC all goes away. 7 min video, 100+ captions.
If I replace the video, or update it, the CC goes away.
Is there any way to retain all the work done for the previous CC and apply to the new video?
Just in case you didn’t get an answer to your question; I had the same issue when I needed to change some minor VO audio in a 10 video. There was no way I could replace all of the CC for just three words.
The solution that worked required me to make the audio edits in Premiere and then saving the exported video titled the same as the video being used in Captivate.
The first thing I always do is make a backup copy of my original Captivate project (just in case).
You will need to delete the video file from your asset folder then replace it with the updated file.
In Captivate under the Library Tab find the old file, double click then update the new (same name) file.
Once the update is complete, you can go and edit the CC as usual and make any edits based on your video changes.
Finally, be sure to save everything before leaving the CC edits.
Good luck.
Same will happen if you import audio, because audio (here in the video) and CC have to be synchronized. That is the reason I asked if you were using Slide notes, because those will be preserved and could help to recreate the CC. However you didn’t answer my question.
If modifications to video regard exclusively size and dimensions and not footage timing, I resolved simply replacing the video with the new one in finder leaving the same path. Then I opened captivate file, library panel, right click on the video –> update. I think it works with modifications in footage timing, but in this case probably you have to resync some of the closed captionings, I did not tried in this case.
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