Hi there,
Just wandering, what’s the difference in Adobe Captivate and Adobe Captivate Prime?
Agree with Lieve
Captivate is an authoring tool whereas Captivate Prime is an LMS integrated with the authoring tool.
Think of it as an aviation company selling only a Plane (i.e Captivate) or Plane + Managed fleet including pilot / staff etc. (which is Captivate Prime)
I have been answering that question a couple of times on the Jive forums.
Adobe Captivate is an eLearning authoring tool: it can create engaging interactive courses for all kind of topics, including software training simulations. You can also publish to a passive video (mp4), create interactive videos and use 360 images and video.
eLearning courses are meant to be uploaded either to a webserver or (better) to a Learning Management System. Captivate Prime is such a LMS. It takes care of learner’s management, will track activity by the learners, and scores in a gradebook.
Both tools are meant to collaborate. There are a lot of LMS’s around (just google). Advantage of Prime collaboration with Captivate are clear: both are developed by Adobe.
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