Using Captivate 2019 and am trying to find out if Branching works like Triggers in Articulate Storyline 2.
I would like to use a process that allows me to link the main slide to child slides so that I do not have to overlay the main slide with numerous slides to show progression.
Also, does Captivate have a way to do a temporary publish (10 days for review) like Articulate does?
Any suggestions?
I do not use StoryLine for several reasons (no Library, no reusability except copy/paste).
Captivate has a lot of ways to do branching, using the advanced or shared actions which are converted to JS on runtime. My blog has plenty of use cases about branching. Interactive objects like buttons, shape buttons have InBuilt states, one of them being the Visited state which will appear automatically on the dashboard slide (main menu slide).
Captivate has a Reviewer which is an AIR application that allows the reviewers to watch the raw cptx file without having to install the application itself. Comments are automatically sent to the developer. Or you can upload the file to SCORM Cloud and invite reviewers to wathc the published file as if ti was on a LMS.
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