November 28, 2018
Captivate Simulation
November 28, 2018
Captivate Simulation
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 1 people

I want to build or capture a software simulation and then sync audio. What is your tried and tested process or the best practices that helped you?

2019-03-06 16:30:02
2019-03-06 16:30:02

I use a similar workflow as Lieve.  I use the text to speech from the slide notes until I get stakeholder sign-off, then I record the audio using the Captivate tools.

's comment
2019-03-08 15:21:51
2019-03-08 15:21:51
's comment

I prefer a lot to do the final audio clips in Audition, to have better quality. Just a detail, but the Captivate audio editing functionality is limited.

2018-11-28 13:56:53
2018-11-28 13:56:53

More information would help: do you want a real interactive simulation (Training or Demo mode)? Or do you want a pure demo. In the last case I prefer largely the Video Demo because of its better quality. But it requires more work, especially if you don’t want to record the audio at the same time as the video.For a software simulation in any mode  it is a lot easier because they are slide-based. I first edit the slides, will insert extra instruction slides, or summary slides, eventually quiz slides. Only after that process will I record the audio clips: one for each slide. You can do it in Captivate, use slide notes which you can make visible while recording. In that case I will still edit the clips in Audition. Or I will use TTS for a temporary audio, then record directly in Audition for the same reason.

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