Second workflow gives control to the learner: a close button for the popups which appear in a lightbox. Again, a multistate object is used to create all the popups. A sample project file can be downloaded.
A week ago I published a first showcase, explaining how to replicate the hotspot workflow for VR projects on a 2D image. This second article about using hotspots for a 2D image is not duplicating as closely that same feature: instead of showing the popups for a duration defined by the developer, this workflow will offer a close button for the popups. The learner decides when to close a popup and proceed (eventually) to the next hotspot. I also used a technique, often labeled as ‘lightbox’: to have the popup stand out of the rest of the content, it will have a semi-transparent cover in the background dimming the rest of the slide.
Example movie
I used the same image (welcome screen) and content for the popups as i the first workflow. Only some small color changes and changes in the location have been applied . Watch this 3-slide movie: after the title slide (doubles as poster image) you can test the new hotspot slide, and the last slide gives a short Step-by-step list if you want to use this slide in your project.

Try it out: quick workflow
You can download the project file from this LINK.
If you do not need to have more than 6 hotspots, and you are happy with the resolution of the project (1024×627) and its Theme (Pink Icing), you can quickly use the hotspot slide using these steps:
- Create a blank project, with that resolution and theme. Create your title slide, and eventually a poster image as explained in his older article
- Copy the hotspot slide from the sample project and paste it into your project. The object names will get an extra number, but you don’t have to bother about that. The advanced and shared action is automatically adapting to the new names.
- Select the Image.. ‘WelcomeScreen.png’ and replace it by your image (Properties panel).
- Move eventually the hotspots to the right location. If you need less than 6 hotspots you can hide some of them in output. Deleting is also possible. Start by hiding or deleting the last hotspot(s). The sequence of the hotspots is starting with HS_Responsive (first in first row), going to the right and then to the second row. Last hotspot is for the PPT.
- Open the multistate object SS_Info.. which is just on top of the ‘Cover’ (needs to be there). Click the State view button in the Properties panel to open the Object State panel.
- Leave the Normal state alone. Replace the content in the other states by your content (follow the sequence described under 4.) You don’t need to rename the states, nor to delete the last unused ones (just leave them as they are).
- Start testing with ‘Preview HTML in Browser’ (F11).
Of course it is possible to have more control over the design, to add hotspots if more than 6 are needed. Let me know if you want to try this out from scratch, taking advantage of the shared action which you can reuse in any project. I could write out the complete step-by-step workflow if you find it useful.
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