November 28, 2018
how to make training available on tablets for people without access to the mail
November 28, 2018
how to make training available on tablets for people without access to the mail
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people


I am working on a training for manual workers installing washing machines in a facory.

They are not office workers.

They do not have access to e-mail.

The training will be conducted using tablets.

I have 2 questions:

– how can I provide 20 people with training presented on 20 tablets?

– training will finish with a test / knowledge checker element, I do not need the results reporting only the answer result as screen should be available to the teacher who will write the results manually

What is the best publishing solution for me?

1 Comment
2018-11-30 09:08:07
2018-11-30 09:08:07

Do you mean that the workers do not have access to the internet? SWF published output is NOT supported on mobile devices at all. HTML output has to be uploaded to a webserver which means the learner needs to have access to the http://WWW.  If you want any reporting, you need a LMS. Or do you propose that the learner comes with his tablet to show a slide with the result?

A standalone possibility is to create an app with PhoneGap, but that means having licenses for App and Play stores and required approval of the app. Moodle should have a possibilityo playthe website (that is really what a published course is) standalone and have the transfer later on when connected to the internet, but I cannot help you with that solutiion.

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