November 22, 2018
Pan and Zoom BUG ?
November 22, 2018
Pan and Zoom BUG ?
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people


I got a problem with last version of captivate 2019 (Windows 10) and the function PAN and ZOOM. I would like to know if somebody else as this problem cause the support chat online could not help me for now (maybe they write to me in few days).

In a demo video, I use zooms with 0,5 to 1 second fading. For zooming OUT to initial size(100%), I use pan and zoom again (with0,5 or 1s) but whatever the time of fading I choose, the dezoom is brutal (and not smooth). So the zoom in is ok but not the zoom out.

Whats happening I need this feature like on last version of captivate. How to debug this ?

I already clear cache with chat support.

Thank you trying on your software a video demo in order to give a feed back to me and Adobe team.

2019-10-08 21:56:21
2019-10-08 21:56:21

Same problem here. Still no fix???

2019-03-18 02:47:47
2019-03-18 02:47:47

I am also still having this problem. Anyone have a fix?

2018-11-23 09:34:45
2018-11-23 09:34:45

Are you on

I created a video demo recently and did see the same problem. Have logged a bug report and hope it will be fixed quickly. Please, fo the same.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2019-03-15 21:40:04
2019-03-15 21:40:04
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Hi, were you able to find a fix to your problem? I’m experiencing the same thing.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2019-03-15 21:41:51
2019-03-15 21:41:51
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Same here! Were you able to find a fix?

's comment
2019-03-18 08:34:10
2019-03-18 08:34:10
's comment

I am just a user like you. Since I logged the bug, no patch appeared and that means no fix.

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