November 13, 2018
Parent Fluid Box Image Scaling between Landscape and Portrait screens
November 13, 2018
Parent Fluid Box Image Scaling between Landscape and Portrait screens
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

We are trying to get our training course on multiple screens in all orientations and this is our latest hurdle. All reference images at the end of the blurb.

In Landscape, everything is scaling fine (with some work to do on my end obviously), however the background image (set as an image fill on the parent fluid box) is not working when we turn a device into Portrait.

As this is a safety induction course, we need to put as few barriers between someone starting the course and completing it. That is why all orientations of all devices is such an important matter here.

What have I tried?

Tried all different kinds of tile settings, tried stretch, tried no additional settings.

What do I need?

To be able to set the image that will be displayed in Portrait, or better still, have the image represent how it does in the Layout Preview in Captivate.

I understand that it may be that the browser has a vertical pixel count over 627, though i would have expected vertical ‘responsiveness’ too.

Landscape in Browser – Good

Portrait in Browser – Gross tiling

Parent Fluid Box Image Settings

Image Preview – in Captivate

2018-11-14 01:36:59
2018-11-14 01:36:59

RESOLUTION was to Reset the scale of the project to 1920 x 1440. This compensates for the pixel height in Safari on iPad (1366 max width in landscape and height in portrait).

2018-11-13 14:47:32
2018-11-13 14:47:32

You asked for tiling when filling the background with that image. Why not take the tiling out, and the stretching? That will lead to cutting off parts of the background image in portrait mode (witdh) but you’ll keep the center of the background image.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2018-11-13 22:34:35
2018-11-13 22:34:35
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Understand, this is not an acceptable design option for our business.

's comment
2018-11-13 22:42:03
2018-11-13 22:42:03
's comment

I’ve tried to edit this comment… I re-read your response.
This is what we wanted to do. Have the pegged part of the image fill the background in all states. Unfortunately, when we turned off those options you mentioned, the image maintains its aspect ratios and creates bars (in our case white) at the top and bottom of the slides. This is what is an unacceptable design option.

's comment
2018-11-13 22:47:14
2018-11-13 22:47:14
's comment

See example here. We cannot see the buttons now and, ignoring that, the white bars are gross.


's comment
2018-11-14 10:09:22
2018-11-14 10:09:22
's comment

That was not the case for my test project. I think something is wrong with the resolution of your project, too small

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