I’ve an issue concerning the set up of a dragn’drop.
This activity is composed of : 5 drag objects (3 corrects and 2 incorrects) & 3 drop zone.
How to have ‘individual’ switch states of these drop zone, to recognize a partial correct answer?
Hello everyone,
I’ve an issue concerning the set up of a dragn’drop :
This activity is composed of : 5 drag objects (3 corrects and 2 incorrects) & 3 drop zone
The 3 corrects objects (“industrialize, Simplify the way of working & improve the performance), can be drop on all drop zone (1,2 or 3).
In order to report all the possible situation, I fill in all the correct answer in the dragn’drop panel.
By the way I’ve 6 possible answers.
Just a question about this point, what is the difference between sequence versus combinaison type ?
I switch between the two types, but no difference in the result…
In the same time I define 2 possible states for the drop zone : correct and incorrect:
Users have 2 attempts for this exercise.
So my question is :
When the user has selected the 3 corrects answers the drop zone switch on drop correct states.
When the user has selected a partial correct answer, for example 2 correct and 1 incorrect: the 3 drop zone switch on incorrect states.
How to have ‘individual’ switch state of these drop zone, in order to recognize a partial correct answer?
Many thank’s for your help.