December 21, 2018
Auto-Play Audio with Google Chrome
December 21, 2018
Auto-Play Audio with Google Chrome
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 0 people

I learned that Google has changed its browser so audio doesn’t auto-play. Has anybody figured out a way around this? (Please keep in mind that I’m an amateur developer )

I’ve found a “work around” with using a transparent button and program it to play the audio…for whatever reason, this works. My concern is we’re starting in Captivate 2019. I can’t insert transparent buttons on the VR screens.

Thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide.

2019-01-03 21:36:03
2019-01-03 21:36:03

I just updated from Captivate 9 to Captivate 2019. I was a little behind. 🙂 Thanks for the link!

's comment
2019-01-03 22:07:55
2019-01-03 22:07:55
's comment

A big jump from 9 to 11, lot to discover. Success!

2019-01-03 16:08:15
2019-01-03 16:08:15

I learned today about the “Auto Play” not working…when I click the “Play” button at the beginning of the course, the audio worked great. 

's comment
2019-01-03 17:22:32
2019-01-03 17:22:32
's comment

Strange because AutoPlay was already disabled in the second version of CP2017, which is already quite a while. Some people try to find workarounds, but I  consider that loss of time, since I suspect most desktop browsers will prevent AutoPlay in the future, not only Chrome.

2018-12-22 08:47:12
2018-12-22 08:47:12
2018-12-22 08:45:44
2018-12-22 08:45:44

Chrome, and other browsers may follow, Does prevent AutoPlay (nt only audio now in desktop browsers. That was already the case with mobile browsers since quite a while. YOu better have to live with it, and have a look at the many threads about making the splash screen more engaging, and it needs only one click of the learner to get the whole course started. If you use a workaround it may be broken in the next version or in another browser soon. Since almost two years I never create a course that Autoplays and that is not a problem.

Will post a link to a thread in another post, moderation can take hours for comments/answers with links.

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