December 12, 2018
Course with Random Question Slides Not Working
December 12, 2018
Course with Random Question Slides Not Working
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 0 people

I have been testing all day to figure out why my course has not been loading properly (loading symbol keeps moving forever when I view it in LMS). It seems like the only thing I can pinpoint it to is adding Random Question slides linked to a pool of questions. It loads fine without the slides, but once I add 1 Random Question slide, it may or may not load, but it definitely won’t load once I add more than 1. I even tried changing the Preloader to 25% with no luck. It works fine though if I use regular Multiple Chose Question Slides that are not linked to a pool of questions.

Some other things to note: The course was originally built in Captivate 2017 (10.0.0), but I have edited, converted, and published to Captivate 2019 (11.0.0).

Is there anything I should be doing to avoid this?


1 Comment
2018-12-13 09:59:46
2018-12-13 09:59:46

Quiz slides are famous for causing errors when upgrading to a new version (themes change a lot between versions). I hope you have the questions in a GIFT file (in CP2019 CSV is also possible), if not try to do so in the future. That makes it much easier to recreate quiz slides or question pools.

Just to test if it is an upgrade issue, try creating a small question pool originally in CP2019 and inserting a random slide to check if you have the same problem?

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