I’m having a problem when my courses are tested for 508 Accessibility in that they are failing the “High Contrast” test. This is apparently a function built into at least Windows that inverts the colors on the screen (i.e. this page, for example, the white would change to black and the black test would change to white).
Does anyone know if there are settings within Captivate itself that are necessary to make this feature function properly?
I am not sure to understand your question correctly. Is this a ‘design’ question? If yes make sure you use a good custom Theme Colors pelette and use it to provide good contract, the reversing of the colors would then not give any problems. The provided themes in Captivate are not always honor contrast.
Changing the background color of a slide and the text color could be done using two Theme Colors palettes, provided you have used them the right way, and only used styles, never did override styles. The second palette would the have the opposite colors of the first one.
Changing background and text colour when a page is rendered in a web browser is generally accomplished in an html page by using javascript. A button or link is placed on the web page and the user activates the button.
Windows users can change the Ease of Access settings in the Windows settings/controls to view content in high contrast as a default setting. This is windows user control not a Captivate setting.
There is no default button in Captivate that you can insert onto a slide to change the background and text colour in Captivate itself application by – maybe an enhancement request for Accessibility.
You may ask help to see if anyone has come up with a way using javascript in Captivate to change the colour of background on individual slides – there are some good JS programmers on this forum who might want to respond to this.
However, as a developer with Accessibility in mind I usually design using high contrast colours in my design which allows for the majority of users with colour contrast issues to view the content. (example black on white as high contrast) I use a third party colour contrast checker to ensure sufficient colour contrast in my designs to meet WCAG standards.
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