Problem viewing 360 images after publish
Hi everyone. I’m having a strange issue with publishing 360 photos and have looked through all the existing topics, but don’t think I’ve seen anything exactly like this.
I have a project that started out a blank project, to which I added a 360 slide using Slide> 360 slides
I used the Plus button in the middle of the screen to add in one of the 360 images that comes free with Captivate.
When previewing, the 360 image and hotspots work well. Upon publishing, I can’t see the image, or the hotspots.
I read on a different thread that publishing as scalable HTML can create issues with hotspots, I did not publish as scalable HTML.
What’s interesting is that when I publish (not as a zip file), and it asks Do you want to view the published output now, and I say yes, it works. The URL in the browser at that time looks like this.
( http://localhost:60235/preview/HTML5Temp36601440844093Publish/index.html )
However, when I just click the index.html in my file explorer to view that way, the 360 doesn’t work. URL then looks like this.
( file:///C:/APAR/publishedFiles/forSharonLocal/APARIntroduction/index.html )
This is all when using Chrome. I am using Captivate 2019 with what seems to be the most recent update,
Thank you!
This is super old, but I’ve recently had this problem so thought I’d share the solution in case anyone else has it.
You need to host the project on a webserver to view it properly, but you can do that on your own machine.
-In windows 10 (and probably 11) you do this by hitting the windows key and typing in “Turn windows features on or off” to bring up the windows features menu.
-Then click on the box next to Internet Information Services and hit OK.
-You now have a folder on your C drive called ‘inetpub’, and inside it is another folder called ‘wwwroot’. Paste your project in here. (ex. if I had a project called test, then the full path to my index.html file would be c:\inetpub\wwwroot\test\index.html)
-Load up a web browser and type in your project folder name after ‘localhost\’ (ex. ‘localhost\test’) and it should all work.
I uploaded a single slide VR project with a 360 photo to a commercial web server. When I click on a link to the project, the display shows progress circle continuously animated, apparently stalled. The photo does not appear. I used no hotspots or other elements. I simply want to display the photo. The 360 photo does display correctly when previewed in Captivate or published for devices and viewed through a browser (localhost server). I copied all the project files and folders to the server. It seems as if there is a path problem. But I don’t know. I am using Captivate 11.5.1. Any help or clarification would be appreciated.
I’m having this same issue… when I viewed the published output via the localhost (Do you want to view the published project?) it worked fine, but now that I’ve got it uploaded to an FTP site, the 360 video portions are blank. The normal slides work fine. Any ideas?
Ah, well, I did neglect to say that when viewing locally, yes, I did unzip the folder first… and I did upload my published folder to a website we are using to track comments called
I tried again, and today it is working. Maybe I needed to close and re-open Captivate one more time after updating, or maybe it was just something else. Thank you, Lieve, for your response.
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