January 17, 2019
Branch aware quiz not working as expected.
January 17, 2019
Branch aware quiz not working as expected.
I am an instructional designer for health care.
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 0 people

Hello everyone,

Using Captivate 2019

Does a branch aware quiz only grade a single linear path through your course? I have eight branches jumping off of one slide. At the end of each branch I allow the user to: A ) Go to the quiz results slide B ) Jump back to the branching slide and do another branch. My project seems to only be grading the last branch that was went through and forgets about the first branch that was done.

Does this sound like something odd is happening or am I correct in thinking that you cannot go back and run a second branch?

Thank you,


1 Comment
2019-01-18 14:03:44
2019-01-18 14:03:44

I am no expert but in my experience, you cannot go back and run a second branch. Typically I have had to have my users relaunch the course. I had the idea a while back but have not tested it yet about creating my own quiz questions utilizing variables and tracking scores that way to allow users to navigate back and forth.

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