I have projects that were developed in Captivate 17. When the new update came out, I found my self working in 19 without knowing. So when I went to save and had to convert to 19 or lose my work.
I do not backups to revert too so I now have 6 responsive projects that will play in the mobile or tablet view. (100 slides x 3 views x 6 projects) at this point are they trash because of the this bug.
I tested the same file with the same preferences set in 17 & 19 and the problem is clearly recreatable!
I have been on the phone for over 5 hours with adobe support with no luck. They want me to copy and paste the project to isolate the slide that is causing the problem.
I did see the skin play hack but that did not work for me.
Anyone else have he same bug and how did you fix it.
I am at a loss and I am shocked that bug such a problem.
I am on an Imac and High Sierra.
Thank you.
I remember this issue.
Create project in 2017 – fine
Create project in 2019 – fine
Create project in 2017 then save under 2019 – not fine
The skin hack worked fine for me. More specifically – adding the playback controls back into the project (I always remove them and use custom nav).
However, I am on Windows – maybe that doesn’t do it on Mac.
This issue was supposed to have been resolved with the latest update.
Do you have 11.0.1? (Not sure if those numbers are the same for Mac or not.)
Thanks for your help. This issue is awful and I did not do anything different except I did not have a backup to start from. I did not think this would be problem – I did not change anything and now I have missed a huge deadline with no help form adobe. Adobe went through all the simple troubleshooting, which of course I already tried.
I tried the play bar hack b/c i searched this issue at length.
I have been using the same LMS and captivate for over a year without a problem until this update. To be clear same file plays fine in the 17 release when tested in the LMS when I open the same file in the 19 release it does not play.
The Captivate 19 The internet version plays but the mobile and table versions do not.
Captivate 17 play fine as expected.
No Fluid boxes.
I am not a programmer but isn’t there a debugger software to run? I tried the HTIML5 tracker but did no receive any errors.
This a costly issue for me and I am crying in my coffee!
A thought.
Have you tried opening a blank 2019 project and copying slides to the new project? I found that I was also able to get my projects to play so long as the project was started as a 2019 file.
For me, it was only an issue when I started as a 2017 and saved as a 2019.
Captivate for me is almost unusable. I am on mac so I do not have a choice. Unfortunately non of these solutions work for me. I had to recreate theses courses. Now, I am doing my final test and it will not score one slide correctly. I recreated the quiz slide from scratch three times and it still says fail.
Adobe support is not much help – they have had my file for 7 day and finally came back to tell me it works fine with their LMS (prime). Wow, really how many developer acutaly use Captivate Prime for their LMS. UGH. When and if I get the chance we will no longer use Adobe Captivate. Good luck!
Hi Kari, What I have learned from my experience is, due to very fast updating(due to competition from others and to remain 1st in this industry) in Cp, they are sometimes unable to even check backward compatibility. Another thing is when the international standards changes (for HTML , LMS etc), they have to make changes accordingly and we get stuck, if we have old projects planning to modify now.
Hi Kari, You cat try one thing… I had same problem, I also spent lots of days…. At last, my last guessing came true!!! You know what I did? I just created new Question Pools with simillar(so i can recognise) name of that old one… and then transfered all questions to newly created Q pools. delted all old pools(after confirming no q left. and you will not believe it worked!!!! So the cuplrit is OLD Question Pools). Hope this may work with you also.
good luck
Then, I tried one more thing. I created a new Questions pool and transferred all questions to that new pool. and It worked !!!
Just a small correction:
Version 10 is also called CP2017
Version 11 is also called CP2019 and that is the most recent version. There is no version 17 nor 19 yet.
I don’t really get the question? You did upgrade the file to CP2019. You talk about responsive projects, did you indeed develop them with Breakpoint views, or did you use Fluid Boxes which is the default both in CP2017 and CP2019?
What is the ‘bug’? Can you check if the webserver or LMS you are using supports JSON mime type? That can be the reason neither published output with both versions is working. Not sure you have a corrupted slide yet.
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