Is Captivate able to produce a slide where video is playing in the foreground and slide information is playing behind or to the side of the video?
What we are thinking is to green screen a speaker talking in the video with information coming on and off the screen in the background.
Thank you for your guidance.
Some essential details are missing:
Which version are you using (full number as found under Help, About Captivate)?
Is the video a screencapture or not?
CP2019 has normal Video which can be inserted as event video (not what you want) or slide video, eventually distributed over multiple slides. It also has Interactive Video, which is new. Here is a link to a blog I wrote which includes links to such an interactive video. I used a Video Demo created with Captivate as start for the interactive one. It would have been possible to capture my webcam as well, but I didn’t do that.
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