January 23, 2019
HTML5 & MP4, Captivate to PowerPoint
January 23, 2019
HTML5 & MP4, Captivate to PowerPoint
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

I published to an HTML5 file and it will not upload as an MP4 file.  Can you possibly tell me what I am doing wrong?

Also, is it possible to take a presentation from Captivate into a PowerPoint file.  I know how to do the reverse but I need to get it to someone in PowerPoint form.


2019-01-25 14:30:50
2019-01-25 14:30:50

Thanks so much,

There are some fluid boxes that I used just to place the items in them.  I am assuming that if I get rid of them then I will be able to upload to mp4.  Are there any other items that would also prevent it becoming mp4?

's comment
2019-01-25 14:45:54
2019-01-25 14:45:54
's comment

It is not as simple as that! You cannot convert a Fluid Boxes to a non-responsive project at all.  And only a non-responsive project can be published as MP4.

I talked about the Reviewer App, but I never tested it with a fluid boxes project. Why did you choose for such a project instead of a normal project?

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2019-01-25 14:58:15
2019-01-25 14:58:15
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

My forte’ is clinical and I am now working in clinical education.  I taught myself with the aid of some books to use Captivate, so there is a huge gap in my knowledge of it.  That said, I wasn’t trying to create a responsive project, but I didn’t know which functions were designated as responsive versus non responsive.  I picked the fluid boxes because I saw that it evenly placed items on the page.  I know that is very simple of me.

I am the first on my team to learn how to use it and to push for learning aids.  I think I need to try to take a course in it.

Thanks so much.  I am going to try to remove the fluid boxes and then publish and see what happens.

's comment
2019-01-25 15:37:08
2019-01-25 15:37:08
's comment

Have to tell you that most books are not really explaining how to set up a project.

Repeating: it is NOT possible to take out Fluid boxes. You need to start a new project with the button ‘Blank project’ in the welcome screen. You can use the library of the present project to be used as an external library. Will post a link to a blog which explains that use. Libraries are mostly also ignored in books/training.

I understand how you started very well. At this moment I am training a medical person who followed the same way, but after one session of training by me (online) she exclaimed: ‘Why didn’t I find you one year ago? I am now saving so much time applying your tips.’ She continues to take training sessions.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2019-01-25 15:53:55
2019-01-25 15:53:55
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Yes, now it’s making so much more sense. And you are right, the resources do not have a whole lot on libraries.  I am going to recreate it. Just wish I could’ve sat in on your classes!

2019-01-24 21:48:59
2019-01-24 21:48:59

When I try to use the reviewer option, it doesn’t move into our Outlook email system.  I’m not sure how to get it to go there.

2019-01-24 15:47:50
2019-01-24 15:47:50

Hmmm…. is this perhaps a responsive project created with Fluid Boxes?

Captivate has a Reviewer app (AIR), which allows collaborators to see the course without needing to have Captivate installed. They just need to install the Reviewer app, and can add comments which will be transferred to the original author.

Forget about PPT..

2019-01-24 09:33:21
2019-01-24 09:33:21

I don’t really understand the first question at all: you publish to HTML5 which results in a published folder that allows interactivity. You can publish to MP4, which means passive video and you will lose all interactivity. Can you explain? You want to ‘upload’ to what? A webserver a LMS…..

About PPT: a presentation tool has a totally different goal  from an eLearning tool. I do use Captivate both as presentation and eLearning tool, because it is so easy to convert the presentation later on to a full-blown eLearning course by adding voice over, and some more interactive objects. But I would never dream about deprecating an eLearning course with all its interactivity by inserting it in a much more restricting presentation tool. Unless of course if you use it to create a passive video (mp4).

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2019-01-24 14:31:03
2019-01-24 14:31:03
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Thank you for your response. Right now the presentation doesn’t give me the choice of uploading to MP4 file, only HTML.  I am in need of sending it to someone for review via email and she would like to also have it in Powerpoint as we are working on the audio script together. The captivate presentation isn’t an interactive course however there is animation ect. I had embeded 3 videos of surgical procedures and I deleted them and then tried publishing, but it still didn’t give me the choice of MP4.


's comment
2019-01-24 20:21:24
2019-01-24 20:21:24
's comment

I would be fine with the MP4 but it doesn’t allow me the choice.  Please can you help?

's comment
2019-01-25 13:09:15
2019-01-25 13:09:15
's comment

You must have missed my question: is this a responsive project with Fluid Boxes? In that case it makes no sense to publish to mp4 because a video cannot be fluid. Only a non-responsive project can be published to MP4.

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