Professional quality Test with :1) Time limit 2) Questions with embedded web components where by students have to perform LIVE practicals to get the answers 3) Different Pools for different topics. 4)Integration with PHP 5) Everything right from Candidate Registration upto Final Certificate.
Live Quiz From Registration up to online Certificate (created in Captivate):
99.9% of the quiz on any “Application software” are of a passive type. that is, multiple choice type. Such passive test just cannot check(evaluate) candidate’s practical knowledge. THIS TEST(on Basic MS. Excel), created in Captivate 2017, is having many ACTIVE LIVE questions, where the student will have to perform real steps to pass the exam. Questions are grouped in a different category(area) in different question pools. So every student gets all type of questions but different questions. Special care is taken so that, every question of the pool looks similar but values are different.
Following are the features of this Test:
- Time limit
- Questions with embedded web components where by students have to perform LIVE practicals to get the answers
- Different Pools for different topics.
- Integration with PHP
- Everything, right from Candidate Registration upto Final Certificate & Online Verification.
Have look at it. (Pl. note that initial loading of Asset may take time … & Live Questions are from 4th Question onward…)

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Live Exam Questions:
If you Pass, View Onthe spot Certificate:
Online Verification : (For Future referance(in Job etc)
Enter Exam detail & verify result Online:
I got an 87% (I registered with the name “Test Taker”. Good assessment questions for Excel basics! I’m impressed that you created this with Captivate. I am still learning the more advanced features of Captivate. This helped me to have a better picture of what I can create! Great little exercise! Thanks!
I have uploaded new test on Captivate.Check it out. you will definitely like that.
Maybe I belong to that minority which never used default MCQ types of questions for assessing software skills. I have been teaching at least 30 different applications in university college (including Excel, but also the much better Lotus 1-2-3 which MS killed) and always used a practice test. Occasionally that would include a short assessment simulation created with Captivate but I used that mostly for self-assessment, not for real final assessments. It always astonishes me that certificates are distributed based on the old style of MCQ, just beca
Maybe I belong to that minority which never used default MCQ types of questions for assessing software skills. I have been teaching at least 30 different applications in university college (including Excel, but also the much better Lotus 1-2-3 which MS killed) and always used a practice test. Occasionally that would include a short assessment simulation created with Captivate but I used that mostly for self-assessment, not for real final assessments. It always astonishes me that certificates are distributed based on the old style of MCQ, just beca
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