January 7, 2019
Problem trying to stop video playing
January 7, 2019
Problem trying to stop video playing
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Hello friends,

My name is CArolina, I´m using captivate 2017.  I have a slide divided in two vertical sections, one side with 5 buttons (with actions to hide and show elements) to activate 5 different videos. I can successfully appear every video each time its button is pressed but if the video is played using the controls, next button hides the video to activate the next video but the audio is still there.  I need to stop each video, right now videos run overlapped.  I´ll appreciate your help.


2019-01-09 13:11:03
2019-01-09 13:11:03

I would concur that using the state changes is the most efficient route to go here.

Greg Stager
's comment
2019-01-09 13:12:11
2019-01-09 13:12:11
Greg Stager
's comment

Thanks Greg, I like simple solutions 

2019-01-08 15:36:37
2019-01-08 15:36:37

Why do you not use the event videos in a multistate object? If you switch to another state (another video) the previous state automatically will be stopped.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2019-01-08 15:42:17
2019-01-08 15:42:17
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Good idea never thought about that as an option.

2019-01-08 14:45:13
2019-01-08 14:45:13

I think I read a similar post a while back where the suggestion to use javascript to control the video payer controls may be a solution. I am still learning it. Greg Stager I am not sure if you may have any insight on this?

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